Ep. 112: The future of leadership | Jacob Morgan

November 13, 2022
Trent Fowler

Watch our interview with Jacob Morgan on Youtube. 

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For as much as it's discussed in business-school textbooks and TED talks, there's a lot of confusion over what it is and why it matters.
And with talk about 'headless organizations' and 'flat hierarchies' becoming so common, you might wonder whether leadership will even matter in a few decades.
We had some of the same questions, so we got in touch with Jacob Morgan. 
Jacob is a trained futurist and one of the world’s leading authorities on leadership, the future of work, and employee experience. He is also the best-selling author of four books: The Future Leader, The Employee Experience Advantage, The Future of Work, and The Collaborative Organization
Suffice it to say, he knows a lot about leadership and how it will change in the years ahead.
Jacob convincingly makes the case for leadership's importance in a changing world, and he gives us lots of concrete detail that will help leaders in every organization.
We hope you get as much out of this episode as we did! Be sure to like the episode, subscribe, and share it with your friends.
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