Category: General Interests

Ep. 171: China, Communism, and Bitcoin | Roger Huang

Roger Huang "Would Mao Hold Bitcoin?" is the authoritative resource exploring Bitcoin’s disruptive intersection with Chinese history. Huang not only pulls back the curtain on the specifics of the history, characters, and story, but on the larger questions that arise from the clash between state-driven Chinese tech and the open source development that is Bitcoin.

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Ep. 170: The story of the first AGI | David Jilk

After finishing MIT, David Jilk founded eCortex, a company that wound up being a solid 20 years ahead of the curve on deep learning, and later worked on cognitive models for IARPA. He has founded or advised numerous other companies, including Harmonix Music Systems, creators of the wildly popular games Guitar Hero and Rock Band. He recently published __Epoch: A Poetic Psy-Phi Saga__, a science fiction epic poem that tells the story of the first fully human-level artificial intelligence.

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Ep. 163: AI and the coming cognitive revolution. | Nathan Labenz

Nathan Labenz is a technology entrepreneur, artificial intelligence analyst, and the founder and former CEO of Waymark. With a background in philosophy and a keen eye for innovation, Nathan led Waymark from its inception to its status as a trailblazer in generative AI-powered content creation. As host of 'The Cognitive Revolution' podcast, he explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on work, life, society, and culture from every possible angle.

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Ep. 162: Making and losing millions in crypto | Nat Eliason

Nat Eliason began as a successful marketer and the founder of Growth Machine before turning to writing full-time. He recently published "Crypto Confidential," an unfiltered, insider’s account of the hyperactive, hyper-speculative, hyper-addictive, nearly unregulated, completely insane world being built on the blockchain.

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Ep. 161: Bitcoin is resistance money | Andrew Bailey

Andrew M. Bailey is an interdisciplinary teacher and scholar whose work spans philosophy, politics, and economics. He is a Professor of Humanities at Yale-NUS College (Singapore), and he is the co-author of the upcoming book "Resistance Money: A Philosophical Case for Bitcoin."

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Ep. 160: What makes generative AI so powerful? | Nick Frosst

Nick Frosst is a computer scientist and musician. He co-founded Cohere, which is a company focused on training large language models and making them available to everyone.

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Ep. 159: Top AI Trends for 2024 | David Shapiro

David Shapiro is a former engineer who became famous through his dozens of well-received tutorials on Youtube. He joins us to discuss the big 2024 trends in AI.

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Ep. 158: abstraction and agency | John Wentworth

After a long career as a software engineer and data scientist, John Wentworth became an independent researcher in artificial intelligence. Today, he focuses on a diverse array of topics, such as the nature of abstraction and what the word "agency" even means.

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Ep. 157: Aristotle, AI, and what philosophy offers futurism | Gregory Salmieri

Dr. Gregory Salmieri is a senior scholar of philosophy in the Salem Center, where he holds the Brigham Fellowship for the Study of Objectivism. Dr. Salmieri is the co-editor of the books "A Companion to Ayn Rand" and "Foundations of a Free Society," and author of numerous articles on philosophy, with a particular focus on Aristotle and Ayn Rand.

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