Category: General Interests

Ep. 145: The free market can fund scientific research | Terence Kealey

Dr. Terence Kealey is a professor of clinical biochemistry at the University of Buckingham in the United Kingdom, where he served as vice chancellor until 2014. As a clinical biochemist, Dr. Kealey studied human experimental dermatology, and he discovered how distorting government money could be to the scientific enterprise.

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Ep. 144: The next generation of batteries | Qichao Hu

Dr. Qichao Hu serves as the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of SES. He is the recipient of MIT Technology Review’s “Innovators Under 35”, and works on building new kinds of batteries.

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Ep. 143: Evolution, values, and AI Safety | Quintin Pope

Quintin Pope is a computer science student and AI alignment researcher with a wealth of insights into the long-term consequences of this new technology.

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Ep. 142: Privacy and data sovereignty with blockchain | Zenobia Godschalk

Zenobia Godschalk is an entrepreneur and the senior vice president of Hedera, a fully open-source public distributed ledger that utilizes the fast, fair, and secure hashgraph consensus that is pushing the frontiers of data sovereignty and privacy.

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Ep. 141: Entrepreneurship in the final frontier. | Scott Tibbitts

Scott Tibbits is a leader, inventor, and founder of both Starsys Research and The Center for Space Entrepreneurship. He was the recipient of the "Esprit Entrepreneur of Distinction" award in 1998 and is the holder of ten patents in technologies as diverse as medical devices, spacecraft products, and telecom.

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Ep. 140: The power of human ingenuity | Robert Hendershott

Robert Hendershott is a finance professor, hedge fund CIO, and evangelist for a philosophy he calls "ingenuism", the view that that human progress stems, at its core, from ingenuity - the unique human amalgamation of curiosity and ambition.

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Ep. 139: Biomarkers and personalized medicine | Mohit Jain

Dr. Mohit Jain is a physician-scientist with more than 20 years of expertise in physiology, biomedicine, engineering, computational biology, and mass spectrometry-based metabolomics. Today, he works on accelerating human discovery and drug development through the nexus of high throughput analytical mass spectrometry, computational biology, and population-level biomarker profiling.

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Ep. 138: There's still so much potential for web3 | Julian Rodriguez

Julian Rodriguez is an entrepreneur, with a passion for leading teams that solve large problems. He joined Bitcoin Magazine in 2013, where he worked directly with Vitalik Buterin. He was a very early team member and advisor to several successful crypto and blockchain projects, including Ethereum, and he is a lifetime member of the Bitcoin Foundation.

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Ep. 137: AI is changing software development. Here's how. | Matt Genovese

Matt Genovese is the CEO of Planorama Design, a software user experience design professional services company based in Austin, Texas. He and his team at Planorama Design create simple and intuitive software from otherwise complex software or IoT systems, and simultaneously accelerate time to market while reducing internal costs for their clients.

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