Category: General Interests

Ep. 97: Could bitcoin mining fix climate change? | Troy Cross

It's become commonplace to hear politicians and commentators bemoaning the energy expenditure of bitcoin mining, but an emerging group of scholars has begun arguing that bitcoin mining has certain properties that make it ideal for subsidizing renewable energies. Troy Cross is one of these scholars, and he walks us through his reasoning.

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Ep. 96: How will bitcoin change the world? | Jack Ronaldi

Like many others, Jack Ronaldi was originally dismissive of bitcoin because of his background in economics, finance, and banking. But gradually he became a true believer, and today he writes and thinks about bitcoin's transformative potential, as well as the ways in which its vulnerabilities can be fixed.

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Ep. 95: Pandemics, population decline, and the Fermi Paradox. | Robin Hanson.

Robin Hanson is associate professor of economics at George Mason University, and research associate at the Future of Humanity Institute of Oxford University. He has pioneered concepts like futures markets, the great filter, and grabby aliens which have shaped thinking on problems ranging from the Fermi Paradox to governance.

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Ep. 94: fiction, flow, and imagining the impossible. | Steven Kotler.

Steven Kotler is one of the world’s foremost experts on human peak performance and the New York Times bestselling author of numerous books. He joins us to discuss his latest novel, "The Devil's Dictionary."

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Ep. 93: NFTs and the art of the future. | Michael Maizels

There has been a tremendous amount of chatter over the past year about NFTs--how they're a scam, how they'll usher in a new era of democratized web3 for the entire planet, and everything in between. Tonight we're joined by Michael Maizels, a former professor of art history, who is unusually well-placed to help us get to the bottom of this.

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Ep. 92: The psychology of ambition, achievement, and greatness. | Gena Gorlin

From Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk to Vitalik Buterin and the unknown Satoshi Nakamoto, some of the most influential and impactful people in the world are the founders of startups. Gena Gorlin is a psychologist who has studied how these high-achievers work, and she has lessons for the rest of us.

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Ep. 91: Building cities on the high seas. | Patri Friedman

Patri is an American libertarian, anarcho-capitalist, and theorist of political economy. He founded The Seasteading Institute, a non-profit that explores the creation of sovereign ocean colonies.

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Ep. 90: Can we build an immortal human society? | Samo Burja

Samo Burja is a sociologist and the founder of Bismarck Analysis, a firm that analyzes institutions, from governments to companies. His research work focuses on the causes of societal decay and flourishing and he writes on history, epistemology and strategy.

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Ep. 89: Bitcoin is crucial to U.S. national security. | Matt Pines

Matt Pines is a Managing Consultant at the Krebs Stamos Group, a cybersecurity and geopolitical risk advisory firm. He has over ten years of experience helping the government and private sector firms address pressing security and resilience challenges.

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